A really good week.

I had a really good week.

Admittedly, when most people say they had a good week their week didn’t include fatigue, retching, and vomiting.  But I live by a different standard.

This week was good because I just overall felt better.  More energy, more stamina, more zest for life.

My stomach has not been continually upset, I could eat most meals with out my stomach revolting at the beginning of the meal, and I just generally felt better.

I don’t have an explanation for why things are better.  It might be because I stopped taking Zofran.  Or maybe because I am gently easing of of Lorazapam.  Or maybe it’s just a quirk of fate.

Whatever the cause, it is encouraging.

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6 Responses to A really good week.

  1. john mclane says:

    Hi Gary,
    First of all, a lot of the guys at the pool are worried, that you look so good with the curls and neat beard, that you might steal peoples wives for torrid affairs,
    Subject two. I leave for the mid-west Friday so you will have to do with out new jokes for several days. Try to bear up.
    Subject three; We are still enjoying the blog!

  2. Gary says:

    1) I don’t see any torrid affairs in my future, though I have noticed women are friendlier since my hair turned curly. Too bad the curly locks probably won’t last. 
    2) I think I’ll survive missing your jokes. 
    3) I’m glad you’re still enjoying the blog. 

  3. Linda H. says:

    We likewise enjoy the blog (as much as one can “enjoy” checking on a friend’s trials!) and check in regularly. Great to know you are feeling better generally! It can only be a good indicator that things will continue to improve. Hopefully as all these chemicals leave your body, your body will respond most kindly!

  4. Gary says:

    Day to day life really is substantially better. Anne thinks it’s time I stop mentioning the retching and barfing. She’s probably right. It’s a challenge to portray that things are much better, yet far from perfect.

  5. Louise Rancourt says:

    I am SO happy for you!!!! As my dear cousin said, now hopefully all the “junk” is gone from your body and it’s happy too!!!

  6. Gary says:

    It’s definitely happier than it was, which I’m extremely happy about.

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