More good news!

We just got the results of the biopsy from the endoscopic ultrasound.

The results were negative!  There were no cancer cells!

I will still need the stomach surgery to remove any possible microscopic cancer cells, but the biopsy not finding any cancer is wonderful news.

It means the chemo worked even better than we thought.

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7 Responses to More good news!

  1. Kat & Terry Larsen says:

    Great…can’t wait to hear how they attach the Dump Truck to that freakin’ hose to get those teeny-tiny cells out of your gut. “That’s the craziest thing I ev-va hoyd”!

  2. Linda says:

    What great news! I hope you and Anne are enjoying this time without Picard!

  3. Gary says:

    Kat & Terry – I think they attach a shop vac to the garden hose and pump the cancer cells into a 30 gallon container that has little wheels on it. Then on Wednesday they wheel it out to the curb. Later in the day a cancer cell recycling truck with a robotic arm picks it up and dumps it into the truck. They then take it to a recycling center where it is converted into Franco American Spaghetti.
    Linda – I don’t miss Picard at all. I particularly don’t miss taping saran wrap to my chest to keep the port dry. There is a special freedom in not being attached to a machine by a tube.

  4. Dee says:

    Hooray for the good news!!!!!
    You are hilarious, Gary ~ I admire your talent and ability to write with such humor.
    Peace be with you & Anne, truly enjoy your next weeks of freedom.

  5. Gary says:

    It’s easy to be funny when you’ve got great material like cancer. I’m surprised stand up comedians don’t use it more. It would kill the audience.
    I am enjoying the weeks of freedom. I’m also enjoying the chemo leaving my system. It’s amazing that you can forget what it’s like to feel normal until normal returns.

  6. paintnwood says:

    Thats fantastic news! /glad to see this ordeal hased bruised you sense of humor but more glad to hear the results of that ultrasound.

  7. Proudledrapper says:

    I still haven’t figured out how to respond to comments on my Youtube channel, so I couldn’t answer your comment. I’m glad you somehow found my health blog and got the answer to your question. One of these days I’m going to figure out how to respond to the comments on Youtube, it can’t be that hard, but so far it’s a total mystery to me.

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